Weather Alert Systems
Due to extreme temperature highs and lows, Spring brings severe weather. Bella Vista does not have sirens to notify residents of severe weather. Instead, you must seek one of the following methods to warn your family about impending severe weather.
One option is to sign up for the BC Alert Emergency Notification System. This emergency alert system warns Benton County residents about dangerous weather, emergency road closures and is a free service offered through county. The public or safety / emergency managers send the official notifications by text, email, cell phone, home phone, or fax. You can choose what type of communication you wish to receive and choose block out times if you have times throughout the day that you do not wish to get notifications. To sign up visit, www.bcalert.com.
Another option is to maintain a NOAA Weather Radio. Alerts, watches, forecasts come from the Tulsa National Weather Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to weather alerts, weather radios give alerts for earthquakes, avalanches, chemical or oil spills, AMBER alerts, and 911 Telephone outages.